One-stop Shop Painting Contractors in Fountain Hills

We were hired last month to do a commercial painting job in Fountain Hills. We bid the job to paint the interior and exterior of the building but it grew into much more than that. The owners and project manor were so impressed with our painting services they hired us to do a bathroom remodel as well. We were happy with the positive feedback and grateful for the additional work.
Prior to start the painting, we power washed the exterior of the commercial building. It was a dark brown stucco exterior. Once we power washed the stucco, it was clear that we needed to repair the stucco prior to painting. Stucco repair is not easy but it is a necessity to make sure the paint looks good once finished.
Repairing the stucco took us an additional day to fix it correctly but we need it would end up pleasing our customers. Once the stucco was fixed, we started masking off the windows, doors and trim to start painting. We used a power paint sprayer so the preparation actually took us longer than the actual painting process.
The owners wanted to go back with a light grey paint. It seems to be what’s popular these days in choosing a paint color. We painted the first layer and it looked ok but we knew we needed a second coat. We let the first coat dry and then after lunch we painted the second layer. It looked great when finished, so when we took off all of the tape we could finally see the fruits of our labor. We painted the accents and trim an off white color which really popped!
I couldn’t be happier with the results of the paint job. The customers were extremely satisfied with our paint work and then asked us if were interested in doing a bathroom remodel. Of course we were, remodeling bathrooms is one of our favorite jobs to do. So we bid tearing out and remodeling the men’s and women’s bathrooms. It was a fairly simple job and we figured it would take us about 10 days to complete.
We removed the sheetrock, busted up the tile floors and repaired the stucco on the exterior. Then we replaced the sheetrock, textured, taped and painted the sheetrock. We installed new ceramic tile on the floors. We used the new stylish 6” x 16” tiles that you see on all of the TV remodeling shows.  We added new bathroom fixtures and installed new bathroom lighting. It looked great and we couldn’t wait to see what our clients thought. They were very impressed and we both couldn’t be more excited.
It was one of our favorite painting projects and ended up to be a great bathroom remodel as well. The stucco repair delayed us for a day but the stucco fix was the right thing to do. I’ll fill you in on our next project next week.

Will it be a new stucco job? Exterior paint? Or maybe someone will have us remodel their bathroom. We will keep you posted on what our next remodeling project will be. We like to consider ourselves Fountain Hill’s best painting contractors. We also like to do home remodels in Scottsdale. 


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